schmincke W and N fruit
Originally uploaded by Ashleigh713.
Both of these have their problems and their strengths, but most people I've asked prefer the one on the left.
After all the talk on EDM about Schmincke has made me long to try them.i finally found the 24 half pan box that I felt I could justify buying, because my Winsor and Newtons are still plentiful.
There are only 12 half pans in this set, which was one of the attractions. Now I can asssemble the other colors based on my own preferences. I would like to know what though, the 'stock" colors are, even though I have made a list to buy, probably from Pearl.
this is probably going to my brother and sister in law. They have conservative tastes, and a dining room about the gold background color..
Never would I have thought there could be such a difference between the paints. I used such a little of it, too. This will take some adjusting, but it'll be a nice adjustment.