to Casey
Originally uploaded by Ashleigh713.
Happy Birthday, Casey. Hope it is or was a wonderful one!
Happy Birthday, Casey. Hope it is or was a wonderful one!
Again for sentimental reasons, it's one of those brazen ysst mermaids from the prefects bathroom
Because it's the end of an era, sort of, a dragon for Hagrid
A hunk of sea sponge that's been used for a bunch of projects, sitting on top of a big can of istant iced tea fom Aldi. It's good to have for emergencies
watercolor crayon on small Moleskeine WC notebook
I was looking at tents in google images for one to put in a painting. I wound up liking this more. I am so weird.
done with a calligraphy pen I grabbed from the desk, on lain old cpy paper, W&N watercolor added later
I've left the birds and returned to my natural habitat things related to sea and shore.
The challenge was to draw a bird. It's abundantly clear that I cannot really draw anything that looks like a real bird, so I did some birds I like.
The firstbird at the top, of course is a peacock. Certainly not the nicest bird in the world,and there's the thing about their feathers bringing bad luck. I've been around a lot of them though and they are beautiful, and probably have a lot to do with my loving blue..
Then there's an eastern bluebird, a pretty little thing. Beside her is a little owl that I wil say is Pigwidgeon, the little owl Sirius gave Ron in POA. My favorite HP book, ever..
The last one is a mountain bluebird,, someplace in the western part of the country.