Originally uploaded by Ashleigh713.
I was looking at tents in google images for one to put in a painting. I wound up liking this more. I am so weird.
done with a calligraphy pen I grabbed from the desk, on lain old cpy paper, W&N watercolor added later
Hey Ash, I just went all thru your site, are u aware how much you have grown artistically & improved over this past year??? Girl, I think it's time to start working on some paintings & not just the drawings! You can do it!!!! Even if you start by copying someone else's painting that you have studied to see how they did it, it still counts & you will learn so much!! That is a great way to learn various techniques. Love the tents & the lunchbox for toting paints--I might adopt that idea as I am doing more johnny-on-the-spot painting these days. Do you mix your colors on white metal or metallic metal? Not clear from what you said...
Ash.....the tents are great! They look like illustrations for the old (before the GAP buyout) Banana Republic catalogues.....deni...;)
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