I've had the eye ready to post for some time, but forget.
We spent some unexpected time in the hospital emergency room from 2 AM till around 7AM Monday. It all turned out well and the people there were super nice. Still, it felt good to sleep.

I'm going to the beach tomorrow! I will aain be an island girl. And go to the Market, and hopefuly bring back a ton of shwimp.
This is my version of a still shot from another movie. can't remeber the name though. The female lead was Naoi Watts, I beleve. My people don't bear much resemblance to the others, except they're under umbrellas.
She looks suitably aloof, possibly she disapproves of her fellow waiting person's posture.despite his proper clothing, he looks not quite the totally British businessman.
I can't pinpoint it, but I do like this one. Now that I consider it, drawing and letting your own drawing be the inspiration for writing makes a lot of sense.
done from a photo in Vogue about the movie of her life. I think I would like to see it. The still shots were great.
One especially interesting thing is that she had such a good head for business. She started putting her animal characters on notecards, and I'm not sure what else. It sounded as if she would approve of all (or maybe some) of the merchandising that's gone on over the years.
Since B and H have been such frequent doctor and holspital visits recently I have seen way more magazines than normaly I would.
I've done far better animals than this one, but I like im. He has some personality..Nothing like being a cross bred animal. He looks pleased with himself though, so who am I to question?
Here is a not very good drawing of the mug I almost always use. I used to have a huge one, cabalt blue with the Hogwarts crest. After a few years, it broke. The handle just separated from the cup. Fortunately not while it was in use.
I found this one at a Dollar Tree, it has actually lasted longer than the HP one. Weird.
A little bit of the hall bath, mostly oceany stuff in there. The shower once had a lighthouse curtain,that Hoot picked out, but has since been replaced by a filmy ocean blue one. Nothig with a decorater look, just personal things. Once we had the characters from Disney's Little Mermaid in there.
The sink has a rim of little shells and clear turqoise and cobalt glass "stones". The ligh house is a model of one at Montauk, Long Island, near where my Aunt Stella lived, in Southampton. She once was an opera singer and a painter. She married a man in the record business and they had an apartment in Manhatten part time and out on Long Island the rest.
After he died, she sold the apartment and stayed mostly at the house. I loved visiting her there, and meeting her friends, who were quite an assortment. One was a former "big game" hunter and his home was full of the results. Great storyteller. How much of it was real, I don't know.
I didn't plan to write all that. Summer Rambles. My summers- Myrtle Beach, Long Island and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts..
Not the greatest sppon, I could have gone with something more intricate. Zesto has brought some good memeories into my book though, good times, tired times, all sorts.
Snow cones mean summer.Not that I don't love them anytime, but especially going to Myrale Beach, we would always get a snow cone and sit on the benches at the Pavilion to people watch
This isn't much more than a scribble, but there's something about it that I like. It was going to be a palm tree, but I got into a more doodling mode, then sort of splotched on the color. Maybe it was meant to be, because this was done orior to the shade challenge on EDM
It's a weird snshine while it thunders, while the whole state, pretty much, has a severe weather warning or watch.
Hoot and I are going over to rummage through Goodwill. Maybe I will find another bell.
Another drawn in the dark, pretty pitififul. Since I put in those exaggerated cheekbones, I decided to give her sort of an all over sunburnt look. She wearing the coolie outfit, and unfortunately looks very meek. Which she definitely wasn't..
Sorry, Poppet.
One of my "sketches" from watching the new Pirate's movie. The remains of the red ink are still there, and I hate those little scrubby trees. What was I thinking?
I was so hungry at lunch time yesterday, and so unenthusiastic about the food available. I should have grocery shooped but didn't. No, smart me, I waited until the afternoon storms hit.
This turned out to be pretty good though or maybe just hunger?) It's two slices of seeded rye bread, some hunky slices of Meunster cheese and some cherries. It all went well together.
The little green handled knife is one of a set I got from Target, to replace some great, lost ones from the Gourmet Shop. I had very low expectations of them, but they are great. Also pretty, being one each of red, blue, yellow and green. Each has a different type blade.
Since I'd been sitting on the bed, drawing, in the background you see a small paint tray and a little of Momo's big, bushy tail. .
Last week I got Danny Gregory's Creative License, from Amazon. After Hoot's graduation, I took a nap then woke up around 11:30 and read till about 3:30. Eventually I was just dead, but also felt I _had_ to draw. This is the result. It's also the top of the chest next to my bed, so it's the first thing I see upon awakening. So many important things here.
A cap from Sunset Beach, hanging on the lamp.
a cup with a straw
a metal two hole sharpener
an empty paint tube
a strawberry lip gloss
a bottle of Winsor & Newton mask, and one of oxgall
a watermelon lip gloss
a little wooden box I painted with watercolor and sealed for keeping sharpeners and kneaded erasers
a snapshot of Graves Mountain Lodge, Virginia
a big round hatbox with classic Pooh decorations, containing true chaos
the stuffed pumpkin Yumi sent me from San Francisco
a lamb that looks like one from the Serta ads
a bottle of some sunflowery body mist
a gilt frame mirror with a shamrock printed palmetto tree and crescent moon on it
a metal Classic Pooh bucket containing pens, pencils, tweezers, emery board, etc.
in front
the most easy to read, easy to understabd Bible I've seen. I should read it more
on top is my cell phone
A _lot_ of stuff. Colorful enough?
Well, when I added color, I lost the shadows and forgot to re add it. Getting the color to suit me was a trial.
I'm fairly happy with these. They could have more depth, but I'm not gonna whine.